Club Resources
Standard Forms
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_Grassroots_Player_Movement_FormUpdated.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_Pro-Am_Player_Movement_FormUpdated.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_Youth_Player_Movement_FormUpdated.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_Youth_to_Senior_Player_Movement_FormUpdated.pdf
- OS_Reinstatement_Application_Form.pdf
- OS_TransferDeregistration_Form_November_2020.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_InterProvincial_Transfer_Form.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER_-_Temporary_Eligbility_Permit__TEP_.pdf
- OS_STRP_Form__May_2019.pdf
- YRSAPlayerProfileForm.pdf
- YRSAMultiMediaConsentForm.pdf
- TeamPlayingOut.pdf
- Ontario Soccer Release of Liability Waiver of Claims and Indermnity Agreement.pdf
- Ontario Soccer Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement under the age of majority.pdf
- YRSA New Member Application 10-03-23.pdf
- ONTARIOSOCCER Temporary Eligbility Permit TEP .pdf
- YRSA Travel Insurance Acknowledgement Form February 2025.pdf
Competition & Travel Management system (CTMS)
Coach Education
Canada Soccer Coach Education and Certification
Canada Soccer is responsible for the development and certification of all coaches working with players across all environments in Canada through its Coach Education & Certification Program.
Grassroots Coach Education Program
Canada Soccer’s Grassroots Coach Education Program has four workshops based on Stages 1, 2, 3, and 7 of the Long-Term Player Development Model. The first three workshops, Active Start, FUNdamentals and Learn to Train, deal with soccer training and the importance of physical literacy for players up to 12 years of age. The fourth workshop is called Soccer for Life and focuses on working with players age 13 and older through to “masters soccer”. The Soccer for Life stage includes a wide array of participants who play for fun and fitness, those who enjoy recreational soccer, as well as those who prefer to play competitively but not at a high-performance level.
Coaches wishing to gain training through the Grassroots Coach Education Program would do so in the following manner:
Active Start Workshop
Active Start is an NCCP-approved Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education Workshop.
Ontario Soccer is pleased to announce that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are now available online.
To ensure that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are more accessible and to allow greater flexibility on when these courses can be delivered, the coaches will be able to work at their own pace to complete the course material.
In addition to the online theory component of the course, there will also be an in-person, on-field practical session to conclude the workshop, which each Club or Academy will host. The duration of this session will be 3 hours.
What do you learn?
- Develop a basic understanding of Physical Literacy.
- How to run a practice session that is fun, safe and keeps children actively engaged.
- How to communicate to this specific age group.
Who is this course for?
The course is designed for the first time coach. The focus is on teaching basic skills and basic physical literacy.

What requirements do I need to complete to become "Active Start Trained"?
Coaches must complete:
How to register?
Online Theory Component
To access the online theory component of the course, coaches can:
- purchase a key from the Canada Soccer Coach Education Store, or
- contact their Club / Academy / Organization to acquire a key
Once the key has been acquired, it can be redeemed at the Canada Soccer Academy webpage.
On-field Practical Component
To register for the in-person, on-field component of the course, coaches can:
- search and register on Coach Centre
Coaches must have completed the online theory component of the course in order to have their registration approved for the in-person, on-field component of the course.
What is the cost?
- The cost of the key to access the online theory component is $20.
- The cost of the on-field practical session is set by the session host.
FUNdamentals Workshop
FUNdamentals is an NCCP-approved Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education Workshop.
Ontario Soccer is pleased to announce that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are now available online.
To ensure that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are more accessible and to allow greater flexibility on when these courses can be delivered, the coaches will be able to work at their own pace to complete the course material.
In addition to the online theory component of the course, there will also be a in-person, on-field practical session to conclude the workshop, which each Club or Academy will host. The duration of this session will be 4 hours.
What do you learn?
- How to develop the ABCs of movement: Agility, Balance, Coordination and speed.
- How to explain the FUNdamentals of a game in a way that children can understand.
- How to run a practice session that is fun, safe and keeps children actively engaged.
- How to communicate to this specific age group.
Who is this course for?
The FUNdamentals course is designed for individuals who will be coaching U6-U8 Females and U6-U9 Males.

What requirements do I need to complete to become "FUNdamentals Trained"?
Coaches must complete:
How to register?
Online Theory Component
To access the online theory component of the course, coaches can:
- purchase a key from the Canada Soccer Coach Education Store, or
- contact their Club / Academy / Organization to acquire a key
Once the key has been acquired, it can be redeemed at the Canada Soccer Academy webpage.
On-field Practical Component
To register for the in-person, on-field component of the course, coaches can:
- search and register on Coach Centre
Coaches must have completed the online theory component of the course in order to have their registration approved for the in-person, on-field component of the course.
What is the cost?
- The cost of the key to access the online theory component is $20.
- The cost of the on-field practical session is set by the session host.
Learn to Train Workshop
Learn to Train is an NCCP-approved Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education Workshop. The emphasis of this course is on technical and tactical development within a small sided game environment (6v6, 7v7, 8v8).
Ontario Soccer is pleased to announce that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are now available online.
To ensure that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are more accessible and to allow greater flexibility on when these courses can be delivered, the coaches will be able to work at their own pace to complete the course material.
In addition to the online theory component of the course, there will also be a in-person, on-field practical session to conclude the workshop, which each Club or Academy will host. The duration of this session will be 6 hours.
What do you learn?
- How to teach basic principles of play. This is a key time to train speed, flexibility and skills and understand your role in developing these skills.
- How to establish training ethics and discipline in a fun and challenging environment.
- How to communicate to this specific age group.
- How to plan coaching sessions considering the development stage of the players coaches are working with.
- How to provide a safe practice/game environment for your players.
Who is this course for?
Coaches who will be coaching U9 to U12 Males and Females. This period is called "The Golden Age of Learning".

What requirements do I need to complete to become "Learn to Train Trained"?
Coaches must complete:
How to register?
Online Theory Component
To access the online theory component of the course, coaches can:
- purchase a key from the Canada Soccer Coach Education Store, or
- contact their Club / Academy / Organization to acquire a key
Once the key has been acquired, it can be redeemed at the Canada Soccer Academy webpage.
On-field Practical Component
To register for the in-person, on-field component of the course, coaches can:
- search and register on Coach Centre
Coaches must have completed the online theory component of the course in order to have their registration approved for the in-person, on-field component of the course.
What is the cost?
- The cost of the key to access the online theory component is $30.
- The cost of the on-field practical session is set by the session host.
Soccer for Life Workshop
Soccer for Life is an NCCP-approved Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education Workshop. The emphasis of this course is on technical and tactical development within the 11-a-side game environment.
Ontario Soccer is pleased to announce that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are now available online.
To ensure that the Grassroots Coach Education workshops are more accessible and to allow greater flexibility on when these courses can be delivered, the coaches will be able to work at their own pace to complete the course material.
In addition to the online theory component of the course, there will also be a in-person, on-field practical session to conclude the workshop, which each Club or Academy will host. The duration of this session will be 6 hours.
What do you learn?
- How to plan and deliver effective, enjoyable, age-appropriate practices and how to provide feedback to your players. This is a key time to train technical and tactical skills and understand your role in developing these skills.
- How to be able to better understand the role of the coach, and the developmental stage of the players you are coaching.
- How to provide a safe practice/game environment for your players.
Who is this course for?
Soccer For Life is designed for those coaches who are interested in coaching players who are U13 and older.

What requirements do I need to complete to become "Soccer for Life Trained"?
Coaches must complete:
How to register?
Online Theory Component
To access the online theory component of the course, coaches can:
- purchase a key from the Canada Soccer Coach Education Store, or
- contact their Club / Academy / Organization to acquire a key
Once the key has been acquired, it can be redeemed at the Canada Soccer Academy webpage.
On-field Practical Component
To register for the in-person, on-field component of the course, coaches can:
- search and register on Coach Centre
Coaches must have completed the online theory component of the course in order to have their registration approved for the in-person, on-field component of the course.
What is the cost?
- The cost of the key is $30.
- The cost of the on-field practical session is set by the session host.
Long Term Player Development (LTPD)
LTPD Is about putting the player first and offering age-appropriate opportunities for kids to enjoy the game of soccer. Making the game fun is key in teaching and coaching, so that players will continue in the game and may even coach or referee as they get older.
Please use the resources the Technical Department has assembled for parents and coaches for Grassroots (U4-U12), Soccer for Life (13+) and Talented Pathway (13+) players.
Canada Soccer Pathway Resources
Ontario Soccer LTPD Resources
- Physical-Literacy-Provincial-Curriculum-WHOLE.pdf
- Physical-Literacy-Provincial-Curriculum-LEARNING-TO-TRAIN.pdf
- Physical-Literacy-Provincial-Curriculum-FUNDAMENTALS.pdf
- Physical-Literacy-Provincial-Curriculum-ACTIVE-START.pdf
- Learn_To_Train_-_web.pdf
- Fundamentals_-_web.pdf
- Active_Start_-_web.pdf
- How-Soccer-Is-Changing-In-Ontario.pdf
FIFA 11+ - A Complete Warm-Up Program
What is FIFA 11+?
11+ is a complete warm-up program to reduce injuries among male and female football players aged 14 years and older. Teams that performed 11+ at least twice a week had 30 – 50% less injured players. The program should be performed, as a standard warm-up, at the start of each training session at least twice a week and takes around 20 minutes to complete. Prior to matches only the running exercises (parts 1 and 3) should or may be performed. For all exercises, correct performance is of great importance: please refer to the 11+ MANUAL for all details or the 11+ program!
The YRSA wishes to acknowledge for the provision of these resources.
FIFA 11+ Resources
HKMB HUB Insurance Information for Players, Coaches & Referees
Where do I find details on Soccer Insurance?
Please visit the OS web page for up-to-date forms and details regarding the Ontario Soccer Insurance Program.